The Easiest Decision

April 24, 2019
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MGW of electricity generated over 2018

David Mora grew up in the mountains in Costa Rica and has always been a regular on the families factory floor. Even at a young age, he wanted to learning everything about the family business. As the years passed, he started taking on more and more responsibility. He learned the tools of the trade while also starting to modernize the business any way he could.

David wanted to begin building new relationships. One afternoon he was introduced to Martin Corella, the engineer in charge of the local wind farm. Martin suggested that Devid consider switching to clean energy. David saw the benefits and lead the family farms’ transition to renewable energy as part of Coopesantos.

David has joined with many other business in the area to make the switch to alternative energy. They have cut back on their electric bill and which as helped provide funds for growth. As we say at Cool Effect, one small change can have a large impact. Thank you for supporting this project, David and the people of Costa Rica.
