The Guide to Using Carbon Offsets
By the Stockholm Environmental Institute & Greenhouse Gas Management Institute
What you’ll find inside:
- Understanding Carbon Offsets
- Common Criticisms
- What Makes a High-Quality Carbon Offset
- Strategies for Avoiding Lower Quality Offsets
- Offset Project Types & Relative Quality Risks
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This guide was released in November 2019 to help companies and organizations understand carbon offsets and how to use them in corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategies.
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The urgency is clear: incremental steps to address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will not be enough. Companies and organizations need every tool at their disposal to achieve emission reduction goals. Carbon offsets are one such tool.
SEI is an independent, international nonprofit research institute bridging science and policy for sustainable development.
GHGMI is an international nonprofit organization providing expertise on the highest standards for measuring accounting, auditing, and managing GHG emissions.