Dear Community Members,
This past year, amid multiple global challenges, Cool Effect saw unprecedented action from its community.
The collective action of our community:
- Retired over 1 million metric tons of harmful greenhouse gases
- Helped 7 high-quality carbon projects meet their goals and retire all available carbon credits. Now these projects are investing in improvements that will reduce even more GHG.
- Doubled the purchases of personal emission offsets
We were encouraged by the progress of our projects:
- Alto Mayo, Peru, helped 130 families plant 8,000 forest seedlings to provide shade for coffee crops. They also introduced a program to plant Dragon Fruit which will provide extra income for participating farmers in 2021.
- Amazon Rosewood Conservation, Brazil, helped over 200 people obtain ownership of their land which protects it from deforestation, started a beehive program, and started a clean water program to deliver drinking water to local families.
- Chyulu Hills, Kenya, used proceeds from carbon for bursaries for school children and began restoration of wetlands which will produce 80,000 tree seedlings.
- Southern Ute Methane Capture, Colorado, has met its goal of capturing 470,000 metric tons and is moving into phase two. New and improved technology is being installed which will capture even more harmful GHG.
Our committed business partners:
- Tripled in number in 2020 and nearly doubled again in December
- Over 64% returned to purchase offsets for a second (or third) year
- Reached out to us from all sectors, all sizes, and all at different points in their journey but with one common goal: find ways to reduce emissions, then offset what is unavoidable
- Continued to be driven by individual employee passion as much as corporate goals
- Found support with internal communications more valuable than public recognition
As we begin the next stage of our journey, we at Cool Effect pause to thank you for 5 years of unparalleled support and commitment to a low-carbon transition.
Team Cool Effect