Supporting Businesses, Protecting the Planet

In Indonesia, you didn’t just support the largest carbon project in the world (currently protecting 157,000 hectares of land), you created employment opportunities for over 400 local community members, tangibly improved public health in the region, and helped provide microfinance loans (948 total and counting) for local small business development.
When you’re dealing with the largest carbon project in the world, one that protects 157,000 hectares of land from deforestation while reducing 7.5 million tonnes of CO2e each year, it’s easy to see how our “For Peat’s Sake” project in Indonesia directly helps fight climate change and protect the planet — but not every one of this project’s benefits can be measured in tonnes.
In addition to the benefits for the planet, this project has spread to other communities as well, taken root in 34 local villages, meaning that your contribution directly helps support the traditional livelihoods of local residents. Additionally, contributions to this project enable well-paying employment opportunities for 400 residents, direct financial support for public clinics, funds for improved sanitation facilities, and microfinance loans to help small businesses thrive.
Your contributions to this project have done tons of good for the planet and they’ve also done tons of good for the surrounding communities. When you took action, you not only helped change lives, you gave people hope for a brighter future — and it’s tough to put a number on an impact like that.
In late 2018, the microfinance loan program helped empower 100 businesses in nearby Mekartijaya Village, and thanks to contributions like yours, that number has tripled in 2021. And behind every one of those businesses, there’s a story — here are just a few.
Supi first received a loan from this project’s microfinance program in order to start her own business — a simple store serving the needs of the local community. Thanks to the loan she received, she was able to not only set up a shop out of her home, she was also able to greatly diversify the products for sale. Not only does Supi’s home shop now sell basic commodities, but she’s also branched out into snacks and other recreational needs.
Yanti has maintained a storefront for four years, getting her start as the trusted spot for school equipment in Mekartijaya Village. The help she received from project donations has allowed her to look beyond the classroom, though — thanks to a loan from the program, she’s recently added cosmetics and women’s items to her storefront.
Kasri and her husband first became beneficiaries of the microfinance program three years ago, using a loan in order to buy cattle and start their farm. And now, with continued support from the program, their modest family farm has tripled in size and they now have a constant source of income that they never had before.
Linda’s homemade cookie business got off the ground thanks to this project’s microfinance program, but she didn’t stop there. When COVID-19’s impact forced many shared indoor spaces to close, Linda saw an opportunity to expand her business and support her community, all at once. She used a loan from the microfinance program to build a signal tower and install a modem in her business. She then set up a long bench in front of her business for school children, teachers, and village officials. By charging a nominal fee, Linda has created a shared, socially distanced space where all villagers can come together to study or work.