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November is officially the hottest month ever for combating global warming!

The climate is finally getting the attention it deserves, but the cool down it needs is still far and away.

But, there’s hope!

The Paris Agreement, a historic new set of laws from the COP21, go into effect on November 4th. That’s 196 countries working together to curb emissions and deploy renewable energy solutions, limiting global warming to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Piggybacking on this groundbreaking moment is the COP22 on November 7th, setting-up 2017 to be a hopeful year in the fight against climate change.

Can’t make it to Marrakech? (We won’t hold it against you.) Here’s what you can do to help:

  1. Watch Before the Flood

It’s free to stream until November 6th on the following platforms:

Scientifically qualified, third-party verified.

Our team of climate scientists sifts through thousands of environmental efforts worldwide and identifies the top carbon-cutting projects. We then put them all in one place, our Coollection, so you can easily take action.

Make a difference in the fight against climate change.
