Donate to help offset your carbon footprint

In 2019, the Board of Directors of the International Communication Association (ICA) accepted a proposal from the ICA Sustainability Committee to partner with Cool Effect to provide a method by which attendees can offset the greenhouse gases produced by traveling to the conference. The amount of offset is calculated by the number of hours spent in the air, and the money collected is donated to a number of environmentally sustainable projects around the world (more information can be found on the CoolEffects website’s PROJECTS tab).

This new initiative is part of ICA’s commitment to building a better and more sustainable future for academic gatherings—an initiative which also includes phasing out the larger printed program over time; the selection of sustainability-certified conference venues with preference given to LEED and other certifications; a commitment to recycling and recyclable conference materials; the elimination of tote bags stuffed with paper collateral; and working closely with venues to eliminate water bottles, keep food waste to a minimum, and donate unused food items when allowed. Cool Effect is an organization committed to reducing carbon footprints related to air travel, energy consumption and shipping, and more.

Simply select how many hours your flight will take, calculate your carbon footprint, then click the “offset now” button to donate. Your participation in carbon offsetting is entirely voluntary.

Up to 6 Hours
13-15+ 13 or More
Enter Your Tonnes
1 tonne = $18.68 USD
Not sure about your output?
Click here to calculate your tonnes.
Calculated Total
1 tonne = $18.68 USD
Already know your output?
Enter your tonnes.

More than 90% of each dollar you donate goes directly to helping our projects, with a small fee of only 9.87% to help us cover credit charges, research, and possible registration fees.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • 1.5% Research Fee
  • 2–4% Credit Card Fee
  • Registry Fee (where applicable)
  • Remainder for Cool Effect Administration Fee

Who is Cool Effect?

Cool Effect works with the world’s best carbon-reducing projects, giving people an easy way to effectively fight climate change. Combining science and transparency, our approach allows individuals to verifiably reduce carbon emissions and help transform communities around the world.
