Together We Can Help Protect Our Planet

American Airlines is proud to partner with the nonprofit Cool Effect to help you offset the carbon emissions of your flight.

When you buy a carbon offset through Cool Effect, you’re supporting high-quality, verified carbon reduction projects that help protect and conserve our planet’s resources. As an airline, we recognize that connecting you with the world has an impact on the environment, and carbon offsetting is one element of our strategy for reducing that impact.

Our purpose is to take care of people on life’s journey each and every day. We also take pride in doing our part to take care of the planet — and we value your commitment to joining our efforts.

Up to 6 Hours
13-15+ 13 or More
Enter Your Tonnes
1 tonne = $11.87 USD
Not sure about your output?
Click here to calculate your tonnes.
Calculated Total
1 tonne = $11.87 USD
Already know your output?
Enter your tonnes.

Where Does The Money Go?

Any carbon offset you purchase will be divided between these projects:

This project captures and destroys methane emissions from the decomposition of waste to create renewable electricity.

Working with local families across rural Honduras, building improved cookstoves that use just half the amount of wood of a traditional one. When wood use is cut by nearly half, so are CO₂ emissions.

American Airlines is partnering with Cool Effect to connect our customers with options for offsetting the carbon emissions associated with their flights. Our partnership with Cool Effect is part of our long-term commitment to reducing the impact of air travel on the environment.

Cool Effect is a nonprofit organization that sources high-quality, verified carbon reduction projects across the globe and is recognized for rigorous vetting and full pricing transparency.

American has a goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050, and we’ve committed to set an intermediate, science-based target for the year 2035. Our carbon offsetting partnership with Cool Effect is just one element of our long-term strategy to reduce our emissions. That strategy also includes renewing our fleet with more fuel-efficient aircraft, using and growing the market for sustainable aviation fuel and improving fuel efficiency in our day-to-day operations. Read more on our website.

Cool Effect harnesses the EPA’s most recently established emission factor data (2018) and approximates flight lengths from credible online sources. In order to estimate the total metric tonnage of greenhouse gas emissions per flight, Cool Effect combines emissions of carbon dioxide (1:1), methane (25:1) and nitrous oxide (298:1) and adjusts for the distinct global warming potential of each gas.

Cool Effect then applies these values over three different flight-length categories: Short, Medium and Long Haul. The purposeful inclusion of methane and nitrous oxide distinguishes this Flight Emissions Calculator from other sources, which often include solely carbon dioxide in their calculations.

By selecting a length of flight, the calculator automatically applies the correct equation for emissions in economy class, then multiples it by the average price per tonne for the American Airlines portfolio of carbon offset projects. The system automatically applies your purchase evenly over all of the projects. When you purchase carbon credits equivalent to your flight emissions, you are offsetting the footprint of your air travel.

No, we cannot. When you buy a carbon offset from a project featured on Cool Effect, we immediately send the money to the project and retire the carbon credit on the proper international registry. This ensures that your tonne cannot be sold twice and that the carbon benefit is captured. Once the carbon credits are retired we cannot un-retire them or have your purchase refunded.

Cool Effect Flight Emissions Calculator is meant to provide the environmentally-conscious flyer with sound knowledge on which to base each decision to offset. More than 90% of your donation goes to back to the projects.

At the end of the day, the idea is simple: Do what you can to reduce your daily emissions, then offset what remains with high-quality, scientifically verified carbon credits.

Seeing the Forest for the Trees, For Peat’s Sake, & Breath of Fresh Air

More than 90% of each dollar you donate goes directly to helping our projects, with a small fee of only 9.87% to help us cover payment processing, research and scientific documentation, and possible registration fees.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • 1.5% Research Fee
  • 2–4% Payment Processing Fee
  • Registry Fee (where applicable)
  • Remainder for Cool Effect Administration Fee

Who is Cool Effect?

Cool Effect is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. We work with the world’s best carbon-reducing projects, giving people an easy way to effectively fight climate change. Combining science and pricing transparency, our approach allows individuals to verifiably reduce carbon emissions and help transform communities around the world.
